Tag: Nobel Prize
For Your Labor Day Enjoyment – Dembski on Design Detection in Just Three Minutes
We last checked in with Robert Lawrence Kuhn as he interviewed Nobel laureate Brian Josephson who said he was “80 percent” sure of intelligent design.
DNA, Information, and Aristotle’s Nobel Prize
Max Delbrück (1906-1981) was a biophysicist and Nobel laureate who made seminal discoveries in the DNA-based replication of viruses.
Brian Josephson, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Is “80 Percent” Confident in Intelligent Design
“I believe that intelligence may play a role in how evolution has occurred.”
Why Phillip Johnson Matters: A Biography
ID critics quickly learned that the most effective way to target ID was not to address its arguments, but to make accusations of secret, sinister motives among proponents.
“Play the Man, Master Ridley”
Today’s scientific outcast may be tomorrow’s Nobel Prize winner (not that the Nobel is perfect, either).