Tag: physics
Thermodynamics of the Origin of Life
Popular articles on origin-of-life research often portray the field as constantly advancing and quickly converging on a purely materialistic explanation for the first cell.
How Naturalism Rots Science from the Head Down
The prevalence of, for example, fake physics, shows that we are in the midst of a philosophical decline.
Asking the Right Questions: My Visit to Brown University and MIT
On a trip to Northeast campuses, I had the privilege of speaking to students about the evidence for design in nature.
This Year’s Westminster Conference on Science & Faith Will Examine Evidence for Intelligent Design
For this memorable event in Greater Philadelphia, speakers will include Doug Axe, Jonathan Wells, John West, and Brian Miller.
Astrophysicist Adam Frank: Materialism’s Fatal Flaw Is…Matter
Materialists make a common assumption: that they know what matter is.