Tag: pigeons
What Really Happened at the Huxley-Wilberforce Debate?
The stereotype portraying Wilberforce as the pompous bishop rejecting Darwin on theological grounds is easily dispelled.
Intelligent Design in Human-Animal Friendships
A man and his emotional support alligator, Wally, made headlines last week when they tried to attend a baseball game together in Philadelphia.
Meet Samuel Haughton, Darwin’s First Scientific Critic
Darwin reports Haughton’s verdict as having been that “all that was new in there was false, and what was true was old.”
Animal Algorithms: Ant Foraging Is a “Rational” Behavior
Of course, ants and other animals do not make decisions in a “conscious” manner as humans would. Instead they rely on algorithms.
An Engineering Marvel, Animals Find Their Way by Reading Earth’s Magnetic Field
Intelligent design predicts that organisms will be equipped with complex systems that can take advantage of environmental cues and respond with precision.