Tag: Robert Pennock
Dembski and Ruse Look Back on 20 Years of Debate — And a Special Anniversary
The protest about the “spectre of intelligent design” was telling. When critics start talking that way, you can’t help wondering if ID is onto something.
Darwinists’ Delusion: Closing Thoughts on Jason Rosenhouse
Does it really need to be pointed out that roads are designed? That where they go is designed? And that even badly laid out roads are laid out by design?
Excerpt: A Reply to Michael Ruse
Let me tell a little story about blood clotting, Russell Doolittle, and Michael Ruse.
Majestic Ascent: Phillip Johnson’s Darwin on Trial
There is some evidence that once again, the diapason of opinion is being changed. The claims of intelligent design are too insistent and too plausible to be frivolously dismissed.
Dump the Metaphysics — How About Methodological Regularism?
Science doesn’t need methodological naturalism. It doesn’t need methodological theism, either.