Studying Tabby’s Star, Scientists Use the Design Filter — Non-Intelligent Causes Win This Round
Here’s a case where astronomers ruled out intelligent causes, despite their initial excited hopes.
‘Oumuamua, Space Visitor, Shows Intelligent Design at Work
The discovery of ETs would not undermine the case for the design of terrestrial life one bit. The situation for Darwinists is very different.
The Materialist Narrative and the Power of Bias
Scientists in Western cultures have been trained to see the world through a materialist metanarrative where the only acting players are matter and energy.
The Search for Terrestrial Intelligence – An Exercise in Intelligent Design
Let’s turn the SETI telescope around. Would extraterrestrials be justified in inferring ID from patterns on the earth?
Astronomer Builds System with 416 Potentially Habitable Planets – In His Mind
We have Trojan asteroids in our Solar System that orbit with Jupiter. But, there isn’t any evidence of actual Trojan planets.