Tag: Stuart Kauffman
The Metaphysics of Irreducible Complexity
The vastness of life’s complexity is no longer unfathomable when seen through the light of purpose.
Hello, Stuart Kauffman
Kauffman is one of the more interesting participants in the debates about the nature of life.
My Briar Patch: Notes of a Country Doctor
It took me about twenty years after medical school to break free of the intellectual “comfort” afforded by the mechanistic consensus.
Theist Doctor, Materialist Doctor
To be a good medical doctor, you have to treat the human body as if its parts have purpose and function. There’s really no way around it.
“Irreducible Complexity” May Be Part of the Definition of Life
There are many bad counter-arguments to Michael Behe’s famous irreducible complexity conundrum, and (in my opinion) one pretty good one.