Tag: survival
The End of the Machine Metaphor?
Rather than purpose deriving from a purposeless process like natural selection, natural selection can only occur when life itself is the result of purpose.
Gould’s Panda Argument Is a Problem for Atheistic and Agnostic Views
Contrary to conventional wisdom, then, Stephen Jay Gould’s panda argument does not provide evidence against intelligent design.
A Darwinian Dilemma: The Paradox of Reproduction
Astonishingly, there is one unique organ system that actually detracts from the chances of survival of even the fittest individuals.
Astrophysicist: “We Do Not Yet Know How, Where, or Why Life First Appeared”
It’s good to find another scientist — with no connections to intelligent design — who sees the issue so clearly.
How Scientific Materialism Begot Woke Ideology
I’m seeing people like Krauss assume the role as champions of traditional academic values (reason, merit, free discourse) against the barbarian hordes.