Tag: The Quarterly Review of Biology
Vindicated But Not Cited: Paper in Nature Heredity Supports Michael Behe’s Devolution Hypothesis
The literature is looking at the same data that intelligent design proponents are looking at, making similar observations, and asking similar questions.
Michael Behe: Evolution by Devolution
An example of this devolutionary process on a showy scale? Flightless island birds, devolved from birds that could fly.
Important Medical Effects but Modest Mutations
It’s important to remember that Darwinian factors are indeed real and can have important medical effects, but they only modify life around the edges.
Can’t Anybody Here Make Distinctions?
Professor Lenski revisits a series of experiments on the bacteriophage lambda begun by his lab around 2012.
Science and Its Consequences: Kevin Williamson Versus Intelligent Design, Again
The question before us was whether anyone but journalists and other amateurs take the science of ID, “daft rube-bait” according to Kevin, seriously.