Tag: Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
Breakthroughs Unveil Evidence of Foresight in Nature
From an engineering standpoint, it was essential that a way be found to protect the cell, life’s most basic unit.
Religion, Science, and Evolution: Confessions of a Darwinian Skeptic
As I read through the scientific literature of evolutionary biology to try and convince myself of its accuracy and coherence, I was struck by the frequency with which I encountered “religious” language.
#7 of Our Top Stories of 2019: Three Nobel Endorsements for Marcos Eberlin
This is the refrain of the book: “It is all or death!” “All or nothing!” Half-solutions are no solutions at all.
Gold Rush of Discovery Points Beyond Blind Evolutionary Process — to Foresight
We’re told that it’s out of bounds for science to go there. I take up that claim in the final chapter of my book, Foresight.
With Three Nobel Endorsements, Chemist Marcos Eberlin Advances Case for Intelligent Design
This is the refrain of the book: “It is all or death!” “All or nothing!” Half-solutions are no solutions at all.