Tag: topoisomerase
Circular Reasoning in Origin of Life Research: Insights from a Recent Study on the Genetic Code
This study compared sequences of proteins in modern organisms to reconstruct ancestral proteins believed to reside in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
On Intelligent Design, Dr. Dan Appears to Equivocate
In an ongoing dialogue with ID proponents, Rutgers University biologist Dan Stern Cardinale (aka Dr. Dan) has replied to us with a recent video.
Is Complexity an Argument Against Design?
Often these claims that “no designer would have done it that way” dissolve on closer inspection.
The DNA Replisome: A Paradigm of Design
One can hardly appeal to natural selection to account for the origins of DNA replication without assuming the existence of the thing one seeks to explain.
#10 Story of 2022: Twelve “Shocking” Discoveries for Evolution
Some discoveries might be surprising from an evolutionary perspective, but not necessarily from a perspective of intelligent design.