Tag: Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed
Douglas Axe: Science as a Human Enterprise
“The human part of science brings all the baggage and complexity that humans bring to every other discipline in science, and how could it be otherwise?”
Confronting Joshua Swamidass on Confrontation
Swamidass got it wrong, and it’s perfectly appropriate for me to confront him on that. I wasn’t talking about any approach to human argumentation at all.
Stars of ID Were Out for the Day: More Photos from the Dallas Science & Faith Conference
At one point a participant in a Q&A asked Douglas Axe, as a “celebrity lookalike,” which movie star he’s most often mistaken for!
Undeniable Intuitions and Unbelievable Coincidences
Any appeal to accidental processes to accomplish an unbelievable coincidence is really just an appeal to unbelievable coincidence.
Cognitive Conditioning and the Distortion of Reality
After following the discussion about evolution versus design for the past few decades, I have noticed a common trend.