Tag: What Darwin Didn’t Know
No. 2 Story of 2024: Darwinists Devolve
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species.
Doctor’s Diary: No Such Thing as a Coincidence
I find coincidences everywhere I look, all the time. Consider a simple blade of grass. One could write a long treatise about the simultaneous goings-on therein.
Doctor’s Diary: Are Flaws in Our Design Responsible for Bad Things Happening to Good People?
When I lecture, I typically discuss intelligent design as if it were a near-perfect process creating inexplicably complicated living entities.
Darwinists Devolve
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species.
The Making of a Darwin-Dissenting Doctor
Casey Luskin interviews Center for Science & Culture Fellow and physician Geoffrey Simmons on what led him from card-carrying Darwinist to Darwin-skeptic.