New York Times Evolution Cheering Misleads Readers About the Real Issues in the Debate

The New York Times recently ran an article that highlighted microevolution, without ever defining it as such, “Still Evolving, Human Genes Tell New Story.” Basically, the article explains how over time humans have adapted to their surroundings, “evolved” into the human species we recognize today, and may still be “adapting”. “Under natural selection, beneficial genes become more common in a population as their owners have more progeny. “ There is nothing very newsworthy here, since this is not something we didn’t already know, nor is it anything that most scientists disagree with. Chuck Colson’s Breakpoint today is right on point on the New York Times crusade to prop up neo-Darwinism and attack Darwinian critics and tear down intelligent design theory. Read More ›

Plantinga on Dover and Intelligent Design

Alvin Plantinga, one of the world’s leading philosophers, asks: Suppose I claim all Democrats belong in jail. One might ask: Could I advance the discussion by just defining the word “Democrat” to mean “convicted felon”? If you defined “Republican” to mean “unmitigated scoundrel,” should Republicans everywhere hang their heads in shame? What’s his point? Ultimately, that while Judge Jones gave two arguments for concluding that ID is not science (in the Dover trial), neither argument is sound. The full article is here at Science and Theology News.

Chronicle of Higher Miseducation Gets Grantsburg Totally Wrong

A recent story by Richard Monastersky in the Chronicle of Higher Education presents a decidedly biased take on the growing scientific controversy surrounding neo-Darwinian theory and the chemical origin of life. But the article goes beyond editorializing to clear misrepresentation in describing the evolution policy adopted by the Grantsburg (WI) School Board in late 2004. According to the Chronicle’s alternate reality, one Michael Zimmerman (a Dean at the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh) was drawn into the “fight” surrounding the teaching evolution “when he learned that the town of Grantsburg, Wis., passed a law in 2004 restricting the teaching of evolution.” In reality, the town of Grantsburg NEVER passed any kind of city ordinance, regulation or law on the subject Read More ›