Intelligent Design
Physics, Earth & Space
An Intriguing Conversation with Casey Luskin About Intelligent Design

Ha, well this is a new frontier for intelligent design. Live Life in Motion is a podcast with Sam Kleckley about personal fitness, sponsored by, among other fine products, Rebel Rabbit, which I had not heard of. Sam shares enthusiastically that Rebel Rabbit is a cannabis-infused soda drink that comes in two strengths, billed as a healthier alternative to alcohol. Which it may well be! It’s news to me that there was such a thing. Anyway, Sam is also a thoughtful and curious individual who put aside his accustomed subjects and had on our geologist colleague Casey Luskin for an hour to talk about ID — everything, and I mean everything, about ID — biology, cosmology, education, and more. They had a great conversation, really quite charming, made more intriguing by the fact that Sam is evidently a searcher, uncertain, as he says, about what he believes about god or gods. Find the podcast on Apple (here) or Spotify (here). God bless the curious and the open-minded.