Search Results for: "evolution and intelligent design in a nutshell"
Clarifying Loaded Words in the Evolution Debate
Biologist Robert Waltzer describes an encouraging success story of his about fostering open dialogue.
Fact Check: Humans Aren’t “Evolving a New Artery”
The median artery was not caught in the act of “evolving,” either in the micro- or macro- sense. It has been caught in the act of “persisting.”
Eric Anderson: Probability and Intelligent Design
Anderson taps an area of his expertise, the ongoing efforts to create self-reproducing machines, and he applies it to the mystery of life’s origin.
Self-Replication? Not Even Close
Cornell University researchers allegedly “created a machine that can build copies of itself.”
Evolution & ID in a Nutshell — Going Strong One Year On
Andrew McDiarmid and Eric Anderson discuss both the praise and criticism the book has received.