Author: Emily Sandico
Science Sunday: Is Scientific Materialism the Best Framework for Understanding Reality?
The voices of pop science teach us and our children that “everything, if Darwin is right, is mechanical and blind and purposeless at the bottom.”
Wisdom Wednesday: NOT a “God of the Gaps” Argument
Brandon McGuire (of the Daily Dose of Wisdom podcast) and Stephen Meyer offer a wide-ranging discussion about Dr. Meyer’s work.
“Long Story” Sunday: Why Homology Can’t Be Used as Evidence for Evolution
How has your weekend been so far? There’s still time to spice it up with a little laughter and learning.
Fundamentals Friday: The Logic of Intelligent Design
Stephen Meyer and other proponents of intelligent design theory are often accused of committing the “God of the gaps” fallacy.
Why Evolutionary Biologists Are “Fatigued” by Darwin
Says Stephen Meyer, “The neo-Darwinian math is itself showing that the neo-Darwinian mechanism cannot build complex adaptations.”