Author: Emily Sandico
Terminology Tuesday: Meyer Asks, “What Is Science? Is Intelligent Design Science?”
If you thought the answer was simple, try a Google search, which gives a dizzying array of definitions.
Throwback Thursday: Meyer Asks, “What Is This Theory of Intelligent Design?”
“As the story goes, intelligent design is just creationism repackaged by religious fundamentalists in order to circumvent a 1987 Supreme Court prohibition.”
Words for Wednesday! Disentangling ID from Creationism
Yesterday on Stephen Meyer’s Facebook page we launched the new “Terminology Tuesday” feature, with a quick read about just what we mean by intelligent design.
Glorious — My First Summer Seminar on ID
For unnumbered hours we basked in the shared light of the pursuit of truth through good science and sound philosophy.
Watch: Brian Keating and Jordan Peterson on All Things Cosmological
Dr. Keating is a brilliant astrophysicist, an observant Jew, and a fascinating figure in the dialogue about science and religion.