Author: Jay W. Richards
To Understand the Meaning of a Solar Eclipse
The rare places where observers can exist are also the best places for observing. The universe seems to be designed not just for life but also for discovery.
Dallas Conference: Astrobiology Reveals Earth as a Rare Jewel
We are learning that Earth’s rare qualities are important for its habitability. More, Earth offers us an exceptional platform for scientific discoveries.
C. S. Lewis and the Argument from Reason
Naturalists, like everyone else, generally trust their reason to lead them to truth.
Phillip E. Johnson: A Lucky Ice Storm
My fondest memory of Phil is from a few days we spent together in the early 2000s.
Perfect Eclipses: Coincidence or Conspiracy?
Today we celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the solar eclipse that, on May 29, 1919, physicist Arthur Eddington observed, seeking to test the General Theory of Relativity.