Author: Neil Thomas
Darwin and the British Secularist Tradition
The arresting historical vignette of Darwin’s fraught meeting with Bradlaugh and Aveling at his country retreat would doubtless make for a good TV docudrama.
The Art of Concealment: Darwin and Chance
It is appropriate that Fortuna’s emblematic representation with her ubiquitous wheel should have gone on to become the prototype of the modern roulette wheel.
Nature Divinized: Darwin’s Goddess for All Seasons
Some modern archaeologists have even gone so far as to claim that the archetype of the Great Mother has been a mythic universal.
Darwin’s Goddess: Natural Selection as “Divine Surrogate”
When parsed carefully, the metaphorical structure of Darwin’s argumentation emerges as little less than a periphrastic description of the goddess Natura.
Darwin, Lyell, and a Tale of Two Faiths
Darwin found himself in the unhappy position of having his faith undermined by what he saw as the non-directed processes of geological and biological evolution.