Tag: behavior
Getting Stoned: Did It Shape Human Origins?
For a really wild excursion, nothing beats efforts to explain the evolution of the human mind.
Split-Brain Research Confirms Unity of the Human Mind
The NOVA special’s claim is, “The split brain phenomenon suggests that there can be two separated minds, if you will, inside of a skull.”
Peer-Reviewed Paper Applies Systems Engineering to Bacterial Chemotaxis
The article further demonstrates how only a design-based framework yields significant insight into the higher-level organization of biological systems.
Are Guppies Examples of Darwinian Macroevolution?
It was 1961, in the steep mountain streams of Trinidad where cascading waterfalls create barriers which predatory fish can’t overcome.
Reply to Free Will Deniers: Show Me
If you carelessly dent a genuine free will denier’s car in a parking lot, he wouldn’t hold you responsible any more than he’d hold your car responsible.