Tag: BioLogos
The Book That Launched a Thousand Barbs
Briefly, the design inference (the method rather than the book) identifies two features as essential for eliminating chance: improbability and specification.
Fox News Article Shows Why Evolutionary Solutions to Adam and Eve Fail to Satisfy
Is William Lane Craig’s book good news for Christians? I’m not so sure, and here’s one reason why.
Human Genetic Variation — A Tale that Keeps on Telling
If the pockmarks on the moon showed this kind of specific array surrounding each crater, we would think someone was using the moon for target practice.
Lessons Not Learned from the Evangelical Debate over Adam and Eve
To his credit, William Lane Craig is among those evangelicals who have been willing to question arguments against Adam and Eve.
Lessons from the Evangelical Debate About Adam and Eve
The standard evolutionary account of human origins holds that our population has always been in the thousands and humanity did not descend from an initial pair.