Tag: bonobos
Using Bonobos to Bash Human Exceptionalism
As podcaster Scott Adams would say, there is simply no “payday” for these people in recognizing what makes us, as humans, unique.
Chimpanzee Liberation? Why Animal Rights and Human Rights Cannot Coexist
A “manifesto” in the science journal Human Evolution declares that chimpanzees and bonobos should be considered legal “persons” with legally enforceable “rights.”
Egnor Imagines: Professor Terminated; Replaced by Bonobo
“The search committee interviewed several apes, three mules, and a tomato plant.”
How Did Religion “Evolve”?
It’s telling that one kind of evolution always seems to be missing from these “theories” about the evolutionary origins of religion.
Michael Egnor on Animal Generosity
The failure to understand the gulf that separates humans from animals, and humans from machines, is a source of confusion to rival almost any other.