Tag: Cambridge
Defending Douglas Axe on the Rarity of Protein Folds
The following examination and defense of Dr. Axe serves as a direct, empirical test of Rope Kojonen’s design hypothesis.
Douglas Axe: We Have an Eye For Detecting Design
“Either you’re with us and on board on these issues or you are anti-science. That is a very unhelpful position for scientists to be taking.”
Douglas Axe: Science as a Human Enterprise
“The human part of science brings all the baggage and complexity that humans bring to every other discipline in science, and how could it be otherwise?”
Darwin and the “Eyre Affair”: A Speculative Tale
October 7, 1865, saw a revolt break out in Jamaica in which 18 officials and militia men were killed by members of the freed black population.
Let’s Help Harvard Understand Intelligent Design
It was disappointing to see the inaccurate representation of ID, along with the poor scientific epistemology.