Tag: Christianity
Essence and Existence: The Cornerstone of Thomistic Metaphysics
I can describe anything you like in whatever detail you like, but you can’t know whether it exists or not merely by its description.
Evolution Has Not Been Kind to Jerry Coyne
The design we infer in nature is an insight we abstract from our senses, but the inference itself is acquired by our reason.
“Who Designed the Designer?”: Egnor Addresses a Perennial Challenge
Because the challenge is perennial, and because we’re not all philosophers, it’s good to come back to it from time to time.
Jerry Coyne on Our “Divinity Sense Organs”
Sir David Attenborough, an agnostic, invokes a rather nice metaphor about a termite mound.
Richard Weikart on Michael Ruse’s “Compromise” with Christianity
Michael Ruse aims at a surprising conclusion in his new book. Weikart isn’t buying it.