Tag: designer
Jay Richards: “Who Designed the Designer?”
Amazingly, it’s the chief objection raised to religious belief from Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion.
Robert Saunders Makes False (and Incoherent) Criticisms about Stephen Meyer on the Identity of the Designer
Saunders isn’t merely wrong. Beyond that, his argument against ID is incoherent in exactly the way I discussed here recently.
The Identity of the Designer: How to Avoid an Incoherent Criticism of Intelligent Design
You can’t attack ID for identifying, but also for not identifying, the designer.
We Get Love from Leading Darwinist Group Blog
Yeah, that’s right, and seemingly without irony either.
Richard Dawkins Misrepresents Position of Intelligent Design Proponents on the Identity of the Designer
What does the media do if you are Richard Dawkins and you make some embarrassing statements in a movie that basically gives away the store on intelligent design? Apparently, at the LA Times, they let you print 1000+ word op-eds. In his recent op-ed against intelligent design (ID), Dawkins writes the following about the identity of the designer: “Intelligent design ‘theorists’ (a misnomer, for they have no theory) often use the alien scenario to distance themselves from old-style creationists: ‘For all we know, the designer might be an alien from outer space.’” He then claims that “All the leading intelligent design spokesmen are devout, and, when talking to the faithful, they drop the science-fiction fig leaf and expose themselves as Read More ›