Tag: Dover trial
Unguided Darwinian Mechanism’s “Self-Limiting” Nature Is What Dooms It
Evolution is all, or almost all, evolution by destruction. Michael Behe gives the analogy of a bridge separating you from an invading group of enemies.
From American Association for the Advancement of Science, Condescension Disguised as “Dialogue”
Honestly, the scientific establishment would do better by sticking to science.
Sociologist Steve Fuller: How ID Foxes Can Beat the Darwinian Lions
University of Warwick sociologist Steve Fuller is one of the few researchers in his field who knows much about intelligent design and the controversy it ignites.
Astonished and Amused by Lamoureux’s (Mis)Take on Intelligent Design
It’s always unfortunate when people misconstrue or misrepresent other people.
Cognitive Conditioning and the Distortion of Reality
After following the discussion about evolution versus design for the past few decades, I have noticed a common trend.