Tag: Evolution Sunday
As the Intelligent Design Movement Publishes Peer-Reviewed Literature, Critics Backpedal
Though Judge Jones’s findings were false when he made them in 2005, many have used his ruling as an excuse to perpetuate these false criticisms of ID.
Leading into Evolution Sunday, Christian Research Journal Asks “Where Did We Come From?”
About half the contributors are names that ENV readers will know well.
The Evolutionary Informatics Lab: Putting Intelligent Design Predictions to the Test
The lab got off to a rough start in 2007 when Baylor administrators learned that Robert Marks was doing ID-friendly research on the campus.
Responding to Darwinists Who Get Religion on Evolution Sunday: A Collection of Ready Resources
When religion comes up in the evolution debate it is almost always an atheist or a theistic evolutionist who raises the subject.
In Time for Darwin Day, It’s Our New List of Pro-ID Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers; 50th Paper Published in 2011
What do you give to an exhausted relic of antique 19th-century scientific materialism that has everything but genuine credibility?