Tag: fiction
Arguing About Taste with Large Language Models
When Large Language Models aspire to the literary genius of James Joyce, what could go wrong?
The Farm at the Center of the Universe: Q&A with the Authors
The granddad is the novel’s primary defender of intelligent design and belief in God. He’s a bright, curious retired chemistry professor.
New Novel Invites Teens to Ponder our Privileged Planet
There’s a wealth of books covering the arguments for intelligent design, and yet one type of book has so far been missing — a young adult novel.
Eat or Be Eaten: Excerpt from New DI Press Novel for Young Adults
In science class, Mr. Charlie (as Isaac had to call him at school) preached Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection — survival of the fittest.
Intelligent Design Made Relatable: New Young Adult Novel from Discovery Institute Press
The novel tells the story of Isaac, whose father died young. Why did he die? Isaac’s older cousin Charlie — a science teacher — says he knows why.