Tag: genetics
Giraffe Weekend: The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
Darwinists have called it one of “nature’s worst designs,” “obviously a ridiculous detour,” asserting that “no engineer would ever make a mistake like that.”
Giraffe Weekend: “You Cannot Simply Stretch out the Neck”
The giraffe is one of those all-star icons of evolution, familiar from textbook covers, that falls apart on closer inspection.
Two Views of Evolution, and Why They Don’t Mix
If he chose to, could God use a sandstorm to turn a block of marble into a representation of the human form that would put Michelangelo’s David to shame?
Genetics Leaves Central Dogma and Junk DNA in the Rear-View Mirror
Genetics is now a subset of epigenetics, in which multiple dynamic molecules play key roles in homeostasis.
Adam and the Genome and the Mysterious Origin of De Novo Genes
A final case where biologist Dennis Venema deals with evidence that is irrelevant to the existence of Adam and Eve is his claim about ORFan genes.