Tag: genetics
Does Darwinian Theory Make the Same Predictions as Intelligent Design?
Richard Dawkins predicted that “a large fraction” of our genomes has no function, because, “The true ‘purpose’ of DNA is to survive, no more and no less.”
Investigating the Evidence for Intelligent Design — in Biochemistry and Other Fields
Irreducible complexity and high CSI systems are found, indicating these systems were designed.
The Hamlet of Down House
Darwin began casting around in his mind for supplementary theories, sometimes going so far as to reconsider evolutionary thinking he had once firmly rejected.
Sound the Alarm on Germline Genetic Editing
As Wesley Smith explains, it’s not just that germline editing could lead to unintended health consequences.
Human Genetic Variation — A Tale that Keeps on Telling
If the pockmarks on the moon showed this kind of specific array surrounding each crater, we would think someone was using the moon for target practice.