Tag: genetics
Materialist Science as Paternalistic Propaganda
Any attempt to demonstrate the sheer untenability of Darwinian postulates is just met with an ever-closer circling of the wagons.
Human-Chimp Similarity: What Is It and What Does It Mean?
For years we’ve been told that human and chimp DNA is some 99 percent identical. Is that true?
Studies on Stickleback Fish Further Validate Engineering Models for Adaptation
Cichlid and stickleback fish are two of the most iconic examples of adaption that biologists present as evidence for the plausibility of evolutionary processes.
Can New Proteins Evolve?
What enables a long chain of linked amino acids to perform highly specific molecular functions with machine-like precision?
Resurrection Genomics: Millennia-Old Palm Trees Live Again
Seeds of date palms from the Judean desert, over 2,000 years old, have sprouted and grown into healthy trees. What can we learn from their genes?