Tag: genus
No. 2 Story of 2023: Intelligent Design Passes the Dawkins Test
After it passed his challenge, will atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins now embrace the theory of intelligent design?
Intelligent Design Passes the Dawkins Test
After it passed his challenge, will atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins now embrace the theory of intelligent design?
Fossil Friday: Evolutionary Stasis in Fossil Damselflies Challenges Darwinism
In the hard sciences such explanations that can explain everything and rule out no possible observations are usually considered empirically empty and worthless.
Behe Debates the Limits of Darwinian Evolution
Any evolution beyond the level of genus — for instance, the separate families containing cats and dogs — cannot be achieved through mindless Darwinian mechanisms.
Behe on Darwin’s Finches — A Really, Really Long-Term Evolution Experiment
Of course finches don’t multiply and cycle through generations as rapidly as bacteria. Still, these birds have been isolated on the iconic islands for some 2 million years.