Tag: Johannes Kepler
Kepler Versus Religion as a Football
Evolutionists play a game, and it’s a shallow one. So what’s the truth about science, and religion, and how they do or do not fit together?
In Unbelievable, Science Historian Michael Keas Debunks the Atheist “Big Myth”
Hawking, Nye and other atheists argue that because the universe is so large, a God interested in a relationship with us seems impossible.
Atheism’s Myth of a Christian Dark Ages Is Unbelievable
Did Christianity really drag the West into an anti-scientific “Dark Ages,” a period said to stretch from the fall of Rome to 1450 AD?
Why Michael Shermer’s “Case for Scientific Humanism” Fails
Shermer tries to rewrite history by insisting that science is built on atheistic assumptions.
Melissa Cain Travis Talks About Science and the Mind of the Maker
From Johannes Kepler to Max Planck, scientists have seen their work as much more than merely uncovering how things work.