Tag: Jonathan Wells
New Long Story Video Tackles “A Battle of Predictions: Junk DNA”
Something happened in 2012 that changed the entire debate in favor of the ID-based prediction that DNA would be largely functional.
Hidden, Now Revealed: Amazonia, Fitness Landscapes, and Fibonacci Numbers
The caption for one image of spiral galaxy NGC 628 notes: “The spiraling filamentary structure looks somewhat like a cross section of a nautilus shell.”
Systems Biology Cracks Life’s Engineered Intricacies — A Report from CELS
The cherished evolutionary story of whales’ “vestigial” pelvic bones joins the growing pile of discredited icons of evolution.
To Understand Nature’s Intentionality, We Must Go Back to the Future
It required the truly inimitable intellect of Aquinas to Christianize and modernize what Aristotle had said 1,600 years before him.
Stephen Meyer: Smoke, Mirrors, and the Origin of Life
Have scientists made life in a laboratory? Two-thirds of the public think the answer is yes.