Tag: Kenneth Miller
Does Darwinian Theory Make the Same Predictions as Intelligent Design?
Richard Dawkins predicted that “a large fraction” of our genomes has no function, because, “The true ‘purpose’ of DNA is to survive, no more and no less.”
Using the Positive Case for Intelligent Design to Answer Common Objections to ID
As for the “God of the gaps” charge, the basic objection is that ID is an argument from ignorance, based upon what we don’t know.
How Much Can Evolution Really Accomplish?
Unsatisfied with circular evolutionary arguments and lazy reasoning, Michael Behe decided to pose his question to the real-world data.
Chromosomal Fusion and Correcting Mistakes: A Retrospective on an Old Debate
The main evidence that Dr. Scott cites to argue that chromosomal fusions aren’t necessarily deleterious comes not from humans but from horses.
Blast from the Past: Eugenie Scott’s Failed Prediction on Pseudogenes
Scott confidently asserts that because of mutations the beta-globin pseudogene “isn’t going to do diddly. It’s just going to sit there.”