Tag: Latin
Science Versus the Oldest Anti-Intelligent Design Argument
Translation: Everything that exists was made not by intelligent design, but rather by the random arrangement and rearrangement of atoms.
The Connection Between Intelligence and Information
Information is everywhere in the sciences. Yet scientists often ignore the connection of intelligence to information.
Stephen Meyer: Evidence of Mind in the Natural World
Can we scientifically detect the activity of a mind behind the universe? Philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer answers this question and more.
Can Everything Be Reduced to Data?
“Dataism is at odds with human flourishing. It’s difficult to find a Renaissance moment in this ruinous reductionism.”
Cell Vesicles Wear Sophisticated Coats, Defying Unguided Evolutionary Explanations
These coats, and the accessory proteins that build them, attach them to vesicles, and disassemble them, exhibit irreducible complexity.