Tag: living systems
Where Biology and Engineering Intersect: CELS 2023 Applications Are Open Now!
This is not a conference for listening to ID thought leaders (though many will be there), but an opportunity to jump in and become part of the conversation.
Did Life First Arise by Purely Natural Means?
Evolutionary theory and the development of the second law of thermodynamics are two of the three major scientific discoveries of the 19th century.
Brian Miller: Engineering in Biology, and THE Engineer
If living systems were deliberately engineered, how good an engineer was the one behind those living systems?
Revolution as Scientists Treat Living Systems as Engineered
This sea change in perspective is rapidly accelerating progress in experimental biology.
Denton: Animal Body Types as “Adaptive Masks”
These recurrent forms extend from original “primal patterns,” much as argued by such 19th-century opponents of Darwinism as Richard Owen and Louis Agassiz.