Tag: Living Waters
Magnetic Navigation May Be a Gift from Bacteria
New clues to the prevalence of magnetotactic bacteria suggest that diverse animals may employ microbes for help with long-distance navigation.
Many “Miracles”: Navigation Arose Independently Across Diverse Animal Species
From sea turtles to the family dog, animals travel unerringly over long distances using geophysical cues. And it all evolved, independently, by chance! Believe that?
Here’s How to Use Precious Family Time, Wisely
Despite their sometimes-nonchalant attitudes as they try to act cool, children do care what their parents think.
Designs in Miniature — Some Are the Most Wonderful of All
The smaller a design, the harder it may be to detect. But miniature designs can inspire awe more than large ones.
Sense of Smell Requires Optimized, Scalable Network Circuitry
The ability to smell is one of the most complex of our senses. It requires sorting, analyzing, and sifting a torrent of input data quickly.