Tag: Local
Gutting Texas Science Standards — Bad for Everyone
Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Jonathan Witt weighs in on the current Texas science standards streamlining process.
In San Francisco, Watch Where You Step
If dogs do it, and the pigeons just on the other side of my office window, why not human beings? It doesn’t get any more elemental than this.
Journalistic Malpractice in South Dakota: Argus Leader Won’t Correct Misleading Story
Reporter Patrick Anderson and his editor won’t let facts get in the way of a good story.
At the University of Washington, Ratio Christi Responds to David Barash’s Article, “God, Darwin, and My Biology Class”
Each year, as he boasts, Dr. Barash gives a presentation to his students informing them that evolution has refuted the idea of God.
When Atheist Professors Evangelize, Freedom from Religion Foundation Is AWOL
Historian of science Emerson “Tom” McMullen at Georgia Southern University (GSU) is in hot water for criticizing Darwinian evolution in class.