Tag: Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini
The Fate of Evolution Without Natural Selection
It does not seem reasonable to accept the veridical status of evolution on the basis of what an increasing number of scientists perceive as a “dodgy dossier.”
For Alfred Russel Wallace, Natural Selection Opened the Door to Teleology
Charles Darwin always recognized to some extent the problem of removing all vestiges of intelligent causation from evolutionary processes.
Natural Selection: The Evolution of a Mirage
Natural selection reveals itself as not just a metaphor but a mixed one: Nature being dumb but nevertheless capable of discrimination.
Nature Communications Retroactively Concedes a Lack of Evidence for Darwinian Gradualism
Explaining the origin of complex phenotypic novelty is the million-dollar question in evolutionary biology.
Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection Has Left a Legacy of Confusion over Biological Adaptation
Our ability to adapt to fantastically diverse circumstances did not result from the happenstance of environmental conditions.