Tag: Michael Behe
Hello, Stuart Kauffman
Kauffman is one of the more interesting participants in the debates about the nature of life.
How Motor Proteins Power Eukaryotic Cell Division
Could the components of the eukaryotic cell division process have arisen through a gradual, unguided process?
How Darwinism Dodges the Iceberg
When I viewed the stranded vessel in 1992 it looked remarkably well preserved, but of course functionally it was a mere “zombie” craft.
To Reject Intelligent Design, Here’s What You Have to Believe
The prevailing view in science today is that physics explains all of chemistry, and chemistry explains all of biology.
“Evolution in Real Time” (Yeah, Right)
Yet another article announces a sociological study has found public attention towards the lionfish “is aiding in monitoring its evolution nearly in real time.”