“People don’t know polar bears can swim!”

Camille Paglia has made interesting comments about global warming in the past that have made me think she might be a (very quiet) Darwin skeptic. Not the NCSE’s Josh Rosenau. His selective quote mining of her comments meant to imply the exact opposite is Orwellian. To make matters worse he really twists things up when attempts to paint those who champion critical thinking on evolution as postmodern Marxists. “Critical thinking” sounds great. But it’s a Marxist approach to culture. It’s just slapping a liberal leftist ideology on everything you do. You just find all the ways that power has defrauded or defamed or destroyed. It’s a pat formula that’s very thin. At the primary level, what kids need is facts. Read More ›

Why Does Ruse Act Like He’s an Expert on Theology?

Several months ago, I participated in a two-hour radio “debate” with Michael Ruse (along with Guillermo Gonzalez and Carlos Calle) about design in cosmology and astronomy. Several times, Michael Ruse lectured me about Christian theology. But it had a surreal quality to it, since he was talking about the theology he (as an agnostic) preferred, but he kept acting as if he was representing Christian theology accurately. I finally insisted that I actually did know a good bit about theology and that he was just making stuff up. Ruse’s responses to Stephen Fuller in the Guardian over ID have that same, surreal quality. For instance, here’s how he distinguishes the difference between the Protestant and Catholic views of justification:

PBS “Think Tank” Airs Part 2 of Intelligent Design Debate

This week on Think Tank: Intelligent Design vs. Evolution, Part Two Last week, Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg aired the first of two episodes looking at what intelligent design theory is and how it differs from the standard Darwinian explanation for the complexity and diversity of life and the universe. Host Ben Wattenberg was joined by Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and co-editor of “Darwinism, Design and Public Education,” and Dr. Michael Ruse, Director of the Program in the Philosophy of the History of Science at Florida State University and author of numerous books including “Darwinism and Design.” If you missed the program, you can read the transcript. And, be sure not Read More ›