Tag: MIT Press
Responding to Lee Cronin: A Modular Theory of Assembly
Despite its fatal defects, Assembly Theory does raise the prospect of what a successful theory of assembly might look like.
Oxford Physiologist Denis Noble: Dissent from Neo-Darwinism Has Passed a “Tipping Point”
We were wondering when the (often very dramatic) claims made recently in arcane academic texts would begin making more of a splash in the popular media.
Design Without a Designer? New Book Says Yes!
So, does the teleonomic explanation hold up? Well, we have to ask: where does “teleonomy” come from? Why does it exist?
Biology as Reverse Engineering
An analogy I like to use is NASA finding a crashed spaceship in a cave located in Area 51.
The Return of Teleology to Biology
Biologists have faced a vexing dilemma since the philosophy of scientific materialism came to dominate Western thought.