Tag: morality
To Address the Problem of Evil, Intelligent Design Is Better Situated than Darwinism
The questions I see coming into the Center for Science and Culture from our readers, friends, and supporters are thought-provoking.
Normalizing Assisted Suicide Will Lead to a Duty to Die
Come on, Granny! Time to swallow the pills. We need your money to send Junior to college.
Stephen Meyer: Scientific Arguments for a Theistic Worldview
Are there strong scientific arguments for theism? Is there such a thing as objective morality?
Francis Collins Disappointed as a Public-Health Leader
Many Christians looked to Collins, an Evangelical Christian who was also a brilliant scientist, to bring a greater sense of morality to the research pursuit.
Why Free Will Denial Is Self-Refuting
The only “scientific” basis for the denial of free will is determinism, the theory that every change in nature is determined prior to its occurrence.