Tag: News
“Irreducible Complexity” in the News
In a loose sense, America may be “irreducibly complex” but NPR sure is not. And “diverse”? America is, but NPR certainly isn’t.
Luskin: Book Banning? Woke Forces Know All About That; They Practiced on Us
“Those 49 words — suggesting that students consult a library book if they wanted to learn more about a scientific idea — were too much for the thought police.”
Darwin Wept: Cambrian Brains and Other Challenges for Evolution
Whenever you find papers and articles dealing with the Cambrian fossil record in the usual science journals, there are commonalities.
A Plea to Parents: Don’t “Butt Out” of Your Kids’ Education
In many districts evolutionary theory is taught as unquestionable dogma, with none of the theory’s weaknesses presented.
New Book by Physicist Eric Hedin Challenges Atheist Cancel Culture
Atheists targeted the Ball State University scientist after they learned his honors course dared to expose students to evidence of design in the universe.