Tag: origins science
Ann Bauer: Science Tyranny, Science Uprising
Do yourself a favor and read a heartbreaking and beautifully written essay, “I Have Been Through This Before.”
Meyer: Every Worldview Must Have Its Prime Reality
What about the multiverse to explain the fine tuning of the laws and constants of physics? It is a solution of sorts, but it comes at a tremendous cost.
In Biological Origins, Bottom-Up or Top-Down Causation?
Michael Denton says that the evidence has been growing for top-down causation, which poses a challenge to reductionist and materialistic origins science.
From FIRE, Good News on Campus Free Speech
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is out now with a new report. It’s their yearly analysis of speech codes.
For Christmas, Michael Behe Opens a Black Box
The cell was a black box to Darwin and his contemporaries. Today we can explore that black box like never before.