Tag: paleoanthropology
Fossil Friday: Stone Huts, Homo habilis, and Gutsick Gibbon
A PhD student of biological anthropology named Erika runs one of the more popular anti-creationist YouTube channels under her pseudonym Gutsick Gibbon.
Peer Review Rejects Claims that Homo naledi Buried Dead, Used Fire, and Scrawled on Cave Wall
I could not find a single reviewer who accepted the claims of the papers. They were harshly critical of claims of intentional burial of the skeletons.
Fossil Friday: Homo rudolfensis, Another Contentious Homo
Considering the checkered history of grandiose claims and controversies in paleoanthropology, some caution may be wise.
Fossil Friday: Purgatorius and the Abrupt Origin of Primates
Primates not only appeared suddenly, but their different subgroups of lemurs, tarsier, and simians all appeared at about the same time.
Do Fossils Demonstrate Human Evolution? Let’s Consider the Technical Literature
Far from “a nice clean example” of “gradualistic evolutionary change” that has “no gaps,” the fossil record shows a dramatic discontinuity.