Tag: phylogenetics
Lukas Ruegger: Homology and Phylogenetics Topple Darwin’s Tree
Evolutionists have all the evidence they need in genes and morphology to draw the one true tree of life. Or do they?
Will Earth BioGenome Project Vindicate Darwin?
Compare the latest project to sequence everything to other megaprojects that may or may not answer evolutionary questions.
Do Statistics Prove Common Ancestry?
Consider a scenario where there are three German Shepherds: a mother, her son, and a third that is a genetically engineered clone of the son.
“Our 20th- and 21st-Century Ptolemaic Epicycles”?
I am fascinated by the philosophy of science parallels to similar moves in molecular phylogenetics and systematics.
In the NGSS, a Dogmatic Standard on Evolution
Inaccurate teaching about evolution is widespread, as Jonathan Wells’s review of textbooks shows.