Tag: plants
Biological Information in Static Electricity
The influence of static charge in pollination is one demonstrable case — not only for bees, but for moths and hummingbirds as well.
Doctor’s Diary: No Such Thing as a Coincidence
I find coincidences everywhere I look, all the time. Consider a simple blade of grass. One could write a long treatise about the simultaneous goings-on therein.
Plant Missile Technology: A Peek in the Armory
Ballistic missiles are common in plants and fungi. Take a look at how they launch their payloads.
ORFanID: An Online Search Engine for Identifying Orfan Genes
The existence of such genes is surprising given the hypothesis of universal common descent.
To Weed the Garden, or Not to Weed the Garden, That Is the Question
An award-winning environmental journalist tackles the question of plant consciousness and plant rights.