Tag: Politics
Pre-Order Stockholm Syndrome Christianity and Get a Free Book about C. S. Lewis
Key Christian leaders, churches, and faith-based institutions are abandoning their historic beliefs to embrace a secularist progressive agenda.
Francis Collins’s “Road to Folly”
How does someone as inept as Francis Collins (and I’m being charitable) have the gall to tell anyone else how to become wise?
Watch: Steve Meyer and Joe Rogan, Full Podcast Episode Now on YouTube
Whatever your political leanings, I think you’ll get a kick out of seeing philosopher of science Stephen Meyer in the same seat where Donald Trump sat recently.
By Endorsing Political Candidates, Science Mag “Inflames Disdain for Science,” Says Science Writer
He added, however, “The upside is that it could incentivize needed reforms in our ideologically slanted academic and public health institutions.”
Weaponizing Science, Journals Indulge in Political Partisanship
I would say the same thing if they abused the name of science to wrap a Republican, or a Democrat, in it.